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Service information

I know how difficult it is to share personal information about your life with someone you’ve just met. That’s why I believe that trust is an essential aspect I work hard to maintain with my clients. In order for you to feel prepared for your reading, feel free to take a look at the following questions and answers below. They will help you feel relaxed before your reading.

What is a psychic-mediumship reading?

Psychic work is connecting with your soul energy and receiving past, present and future information.

Mediumship work is connecting with the souls of those who have crossed over.

Spirit can see tomorrow more clearly than we can see today. Which means your loved ones who have crossed over can provide me with psychic information regarding past, present and future events. They do this to help validate their identity and to give you information that can be helpful to you.

What can you expect in your reading?

During your reading, I encourage you to come with an open mind. The lower the expectations the better. No psychic-medium is 100% accurate with their information. We are subject to misunderstanding the information Spirit provides us with. In some cases, topics that you believe are important to cover - Spirit may not believe it's a priority for the appointment. Make sure you mention these topics you wanted to discuss towards the Q&A period of the session. 

I do encourage you to take notes during the appointment to verify information.

How do you connect with my loved ones on the other side or my Spirit Guides?

I have my own process in how I connect with Spirit. I prefer to work in a quiet space and begin a ground exercise after a lighting a candle.

I use my clair-voyance (clear-seeing), clair-sentience (clear-feeling), clair-cognizant (clear-knowing) and sometimes clair-audience (clear-hearing) for these sessions. This is a personal sensory experience where I use visualization techniques to connect with my intuition.

I get into what feels like a meditative state and began something called 'automatic writing'. Automatic writing is the process of me consciously scribbling on my notebook to help focus my energy.

What is your higher-self or who are my Spirit Guides?

Your higher-self is the soul aspect of you. It’s the part of you that guides your intuition. That feeling where you randomly need to call someone you haven’t spoken to or that nudge you get to apply for that new job you end up getting – that’s your higher-self giving you the nudge.

Your spirit guides are disincarnate beings who support you with your incarnation. Everyone has spirit guides. The best amongst us, the worst amongst – all have spirit guides. Some of these guides have an ancestral connection to us or they may just be individuals a part of our soul family with knowledge and experience to impart upon us. If you follow me on Instagram (link in navigation bar), I do a lot of work to educate my followers about their specific team on my page.

Your Spirit team may choose to give me information you might find helpful. 

How long does each reading session take?

The psychic-mediumship appointments come in two packages. There is the 30 minutes reading for a tune up and the 60 minute full session. 

Most of my clients prefer to book the full 60 minutes. I do not charge for over time. I try my best to ensure my clients are satisfied with the information I am providing them. 

During the reading, my mediumship connection is strongest for 10-15 minutes. After this, I pivot to psychic work. Should you have questions, I answer them after completing the appointment. 

Can you do readings over the phone or virtually?

When you schedule your appointment through the website via the Acuity scheduler - it will provide an option for you to connect with me through Whatsapp, Zoom or over the phone.

Click here to book your appointment today
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